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Video of Seeing Stars
Artist Book List
Detail pages for the following books:
Small Inventions, 2019
Flight, 2017
Mermaid, 2016
The Man in Bogota, 2015
Wolf Who Ate the Sky, 2015
Diderot Decaptioned, 2014
Degas in Rome, 2013
Quarantine, 2011
Trees, W. S. Merwin, 2010
The Magic Jacket, 2009
Rituals for Life Milestones, 2009
Ancient Mariner, 2009
Experiments in Navigation: The Art of Charles Hobson, 2008
Nelson & Emma: Aphrodite & Ares Contemplate Admiral Nelson and
Lady Hamilton, 2007-08
red thread, two women, 2006
Five Beets, a portfolio, 2007
The Near Woods, 2006
The Mappist, 2005
The Writer, 2004
Three Kisses, 2004
Poems From the Heart, 2004
Adam & Eve, 2003
Why I love Books, 2002
Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes, 2002
Annotaciones, 2001
Seeing Stars, 2001
Dancing with Amelia, 2000
Writing on the Body, 1999
Fresnel's Tower, 1997
Shipwreck Stories, 1996
Parisian Encounters, 1994
Leonardo Knows Baseball, 1990